The conference will provide a platform to discuss the latest advancements and innovations in the field of electromachining. It will be open to researchers, academics, industry professionals, and students. EM’23 is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research and developments in the field of electromachining and will provide a platform to showcase your research and make valuable connections with leading experts in the field.
(1) Electro-erosion machining
• Modeling, simulation, virtual techniques in erosion process control (EM)
• Experimental research on erosion processing
• Optimization methods, procedures, design conditions in erosion processing
• Industrial applications of erosion processing (EM)
(2) Additive methods (Rapid-Prototyping, SLA, SLS, FDM, DMLS, etc.)
• Modeling and simulation of processes
• Experimental research on processes
• Optimization methods and procedures for processes
• Industrial applications of additive methods
(3) Unconventional machining methods (water laser, waterjet, explosive machining, ionizing)
• Experimental research
• Optimization methods and procedures
• Hybrid processing
• Industrial applications of unconventional machining methods
(4) Micro and Nanotechnologies
• Modeling and simulation of processing
• Experimental research on processing
• Virtual techniques
• Industrial applications of micro and nanotechnologies (MEMS, lithography, etc.)